
A Whiteboard Xmas Card for everyone

What can you draw with a whiteboard, if you’re not an artist? Let’s see..

Many of my friends live on different continents. It was too late to post cards, and I was staring blindly at my whiteboard when I had an idea: A picture for everyone, photographed, emailed … Then wiped clean. A transitory, ephemeral, virtual gift made out of something physical and real.

(there’s a background to this, see below the images)

PS: apologies for variable quality – I was doing these as fast as possible, trying to get them out same day (Xmas Day).

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If you didn’t get one, well … Maybe you should keep in touch more, my friend!

But seriously: I’m not finished yet. Watch your inbox.


This Christmas, I did my first serious drawing/painting in 15 years, as a gift for someone. I was surprised (actually: stunned) how well it came out. Unfortunately, it wasn’t appreciated.

I wanted to make something positive out of it, anything. I’d poured too much time into that, and too much care, to write it off and move on.

Here’s the results. I took the theme of my original hand-made card: an image specific to the recipient, something that they (and their close friends) would recognize and understand immediately.

There’s a few that tie obviously to well-known people in Web, Education, Games industries.

1 reply on “A Whiteboard Xmas Card for everyone”

Very cool drawings! All of them have a very personal touch, and its great that way! Merry christmas and a happy new year!

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