games design iphone programming

Preview of a new game: “Peace by other means” – Screenshots1

I’ve just posted some screenshots + notes for Reddit’s Screenshot Saturday, for the iPad game I’ve been working on for almost 2 years now.


Doesn’t look like much given how long it’s been in development :(, but I’m hoping it’ll speed up from here!

[homepage for the game]

Along the way, I’ve:

  • built the game
  • taught myself advanced Quartz / CoreAnimation
  • wrote a detailed playable game with AI
  • discovered the hard way that Apple doesn’t use hardware-acceleration properly on iPhone/iPad
  • threw away the 2D renderer, re-designed the game around OpenGL + 3D
  • re-wrote everything in 3D with OpenGL 1.x
  • taught myself OpenGLES 2.0
  • re-wrote everything with shaders