conferences games industry

GDC 2010 about to start…I’m there for 3 days

I’ll be in SF from Monday afternoon to Thursday evening (leaving SFO at midnight on thursday night).

My iPhone is unlocked, so I’m hoping to find a cheap SIM to shove in, but otherwise it’ll be email-only.

The 2010 list of GDC parties is looking pretty full (and there’s a bunch after I leave) – if you should be on the calendar, email me ASAP.

ALSO … Sulka and I made a neat little iPhone app that tracks all the parties for you, and tells you where/when they are. We’re just waiting for Apple to approve it, hopefully it’ll be live on Monday. It’s San-Francisco specific right now, but if it works, we’ll expand it to other cities in future.

3 replies on “GDC 2010 about to start…I’m there for 3 days”

Hey! Do you have a list of all those parties you mentioned? I’d love to know what’s going on… It’s my first year!


If Apple approves the iPhone app, they’ll be there.

There’s also a private calendar for my friends and colleagues – if you can find me (or one of them) and be nice to them, you can get on that too / instead. Slightly different information.

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