maintenance web 2.0

What topics do you want to read more about?

Inspired by Andrew Chen (whose question I’ve copied exactly :)), here’s a poll to find out what YOU, thre readers of this blog, would like to see more of.

(tick all that apply; if you tick the “something else” option, please comment on this post and say what’s missing)

[poll id=”2″]

If you believe in metrics, user-interaction, and sampling your userbase, doing something like this is a no-brainer :).

4 replies on “What topics do you want to read more about?”

I would like to be reading more in the near future about the astonishing critical and commercial success of your latest corporate ventureā€¦

Component / Entity?

I’m working on a framework based on your series (and some other research), and would love to see follow-ups on this.

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