In the ongoing, epic comments (300+ and counting!) for my Entity Systems posts, one of the recurring questions is:
What makes a good Component?
How should I split my conceptual model into Entities and Components?
How should I split my algorithms and methods into Systems?
It’s often difficult to answer these questions without concrete examples, which are thin on the ground.
Good news, then…
Paul Gestwicki runs a CS315: Game Programming course, and last year his students used an Entity System to implement their game – Morgan’s Raid. In a recent email conversation, he mentioned he’d been monitoring the actual number – and nature – of the Components and Systems that the teams developed and used on the project.
He’s now posted this list, along with some brief analysis.
All systems and Components
Read Paul’s post – there are some caveats he mentions, and there’s a useful diagram showing roughly how many systems were using each component.
I strongly recommend you play the game too (it’s free, and quick to play) so you can get an idea straight away – just from the names – what data and code some of these contain.
To recap, here’s the list:
“For your reading convenience, here’s a simple tabular view of the systems and components
Systems Components BackgroundTileSystem
Things I noticed straight away:
- There’s approximately 2:1 ratio of “components” to “systems”
- In Paul’s post, all the Systems are accessing *something*
- In Paul’s post, quite a few Components are NOT accessed
- A couple of components are used by almost every System
- The names of some Systems suggest they’re very trivial – perhaps only a dozen lines of effective code
- The names of some Components suggest they’re being designed in an OOP hierarchy
NB: I haven’t had time to look at the source code, but it’s freely downloadable here, so I’d recommend having a look if you have time.
How many Components per System?
I’ve generally started people off with: “aim for 1:1 ratio”. This is mainly to kick them out of the traditional class-based OOP mindset. In practice, there’s really no need to stick to that religiously – once you get the hang of ES design, you should be freely adding and subtracting components all over the place.
In reality, the pressures on “number of systems” and “number of components” are independent. Ideally, you add a new system when you have a major new concept to add to your game – e.g. “previously I was using hand-made jumping, now I want to add a complete physics-driven approach. This will mean changing collision-detection, changing the core game-loop, etc”.
Ideally, you add a new component when you have a new “dimension” to the game objects. For instance, if you’re adding a physics System, you may not need to add any new Components – it might be that all you need is Location (containing x,y,x position and dx,dy,dz velocity) and RenderState (containing screen-pixels x,y) – and that you already have those components.
Zero systems per component
One of the advantages of an ES is that old code can just fall off the radar and disappear. So I’m not surprised at all to see some components that appear to be unused – and it’s MUCH easier to simply delete this code from your project than it would be on a traditional OOP project. Does anything reference that data? If so, it’s a set of particular systems. For each system, you can look at MERELY the system and the component, and make a very quick decision about whether you still need this access – or if you can refactor to move (some of) it somewhere else. The amount of code you need to read to make such decisions safely is typically very small – i.e. easy, quick, and less error-prone.
Many systems per component
This is fine. However, it can also be an early-warning sign of a design or code-architecture bug. Sometimes, there are components that – innately – are just needed all over the place. For instance, in a team-based game, the component saying which “team” a given object/player/item/building belongs to is likely to affect almost every piece of algorithm code across the board. It’ll be referenced by many systems.
On the flip-side, it may be a sign that you’ve put too much data into one component. There are two usual versions of this:
- You have – say – 8 variables in the struct where you should instead have two structs (components), one with 5 variables, the other with 3.
- You have – say – 4 variables in the struct, but different systems are using those variables to mean different things. It works OK for now, but it’s very fragile – as soon as the different meanings diverge even a little, your code is going to start breaking
Of course, you get this exact problem in traditional OOP setups, but with an ES it’s trivial to fix. Split – or duplicate – the Component, change a few references in the Systems, and you’re done. If it turns out a week later that the split wasn’t necessary – or worse, was a step backwards (e.g. you find yourself frequently synching the data between those components) – it’s extremely cheap to swap it back.
By contrast, with OOP, this is a nightmare scenario, because you have to worry about every method on the original class. Does that method:
- Need to exist on both the new classes, or just one?
- Work correctly for the new class it will be on – or does it currently rely on some of the data (and shoudln’t) and will need to be re-written?
- Get used by other parts of the codebase in ways that will break if/when you split the class?
Thoughts, Suggestions?
…this is just a lightning quick analysis, but I strongly invite you to do you own digging into the classes – and the codebase – and come up with your own thoughts and feedback. We have here a convenient, real-life, list of components/systems – something to dig our teeth into, and debate the rights and wrongs of each decision. And I’m sure the students involved on the project would be interested in your feedback on their approaches :)
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64 replies on “Entity Systems: what makes good Components? good Entities?”
Oh goody… More ES discussion! ;) I actually posted a bunch of thoughts in Paul’s post already several days ago. I brought up the use of interfaces as concrete types vs using getClass() internally to store components / systems, the ability to store collections of components by type, and one other trick I employ in my efforts to store components by a non-related interface (I also described this in the previous goliath ES post).
On more systems than components:
“However, it can also be an early-warning sign of a design or code-architecture bug.”
Well, once you can store a collection of systems a pattern in my work I’ve exploited is having at least one (or more) data component track state and iteration over a series of systems provides implementation details that may otherwise be done through an inheritance hierarchy. This is more possible in my efforts since I’ve generalized the ES approach described in your efforts. IE a generic component manager that stores components locally / interally as opposed to a global store. Data and system components can also be managers and contain their own components / systems.
A concrete example is say a collision system. While it may be possible to make a heavyweight collision system component that contains all the logic to test for an entity collision between the world and other entities in my efforts the collision system is a component manager itself. The collision system defines a “collide” method, but also a lifecycle system interface (IColliderLifecycle).
The method for the collision system manager is:
IExtEnum collide(@Nonnull IComponentManager source, @Nonnull IComponentManager clockDataManager);
In my efforts an entity (Entity / IEntity) is an IComponentManager by just reducing the method sig to just deal with IComponentManager reduces any specific hard connection between the collision system and entities. Anything can potentially be checked for collisions if the proper components are contained. The return parameter also is an extensible enum so any state can be returned including no operation.
The implementation of the collide method of CollisionManagerSystem looks like this:
public IExtEnum collide(@Nonnull IComponentManager source, @Nonnull IComponentManager clockDataManager);
CollidePointData cpd = source.getAs(DATA, CollidePointData.class);
if (cpd == null)
return NoOpEnum.NO_OP;
for (FastPIterator iter = getAsIterator(SYSTEM, IColliderLifecycle.class); iter.hasNext() && cpd.resolved == false;)
{, this, clockDataManager);
return cpd.collisionResult;
Essentially the above code will retrieve an iterator for the IColliderLifecycle systems stored in the CollisionManagerSystem and iterate over them until the CollidePointData.resolved boolean is true or iteration completes. If the source does not contain the required CollidePointData data component the collision check is immediately aborted with the NoOp extensible enum.
Each IColliderLifecycle system may provide a different collision check. In a simple 2D example the first one can collide the source entity against the world boundaries (say the 2D extents of the screen). The next IColliderLifecycle may do AABB or sphere checks between entities. Potentially in this case perhaps there is another data component stored in CollisionManagerSystem that stores intermediary entities that collided in the rough check. The final IColliderLifecycle could do a more extensive test between just the entities that collided in the previous step.
Previously before moving to iteration to handle more specific collision checks their were various CollisionSystems defined via inheritance / OOP such that there was a base implementation and the more extensive checks were defined in an inheritance hierarchy.
Obviously the great thing about iterating over collision lifecycle systems is that one can extend or even remove lifecycle systems increasing or reducing the collision checks dynamically.
Anyway, this is an example in my efforts where systems may outnumber data components for a particular use case. This patterns is used for movement, the rendering process, and in other ES lifecycle areas and beyond.
Interesting that you’ve got more systems than components, although I confess I get lost in the complexity of your systems :).
How does the nesting affect performance – I remember performance was one of your concerns?
Indeed.. :) On a rough count of the data vs system components in the runtime and demos of TyphonRT the count is:
~240 for system components
~135 for data components
I’d attribute the extra system components to the pattern described above. As things go most of the “system of systems” approach is not entity related per se. Do recall I’ve generalized the ES approach into a general component architecture. I haven’t yet converted over the final two entity system areas (movement / collision detection) to iteration vs OOP super class invocation, but I don’t expect any negative affect given the current entity counts in the demos.
Regarding performance if memory recalls from the goliath ES thread I was fairly concerned on how nesting of components in a deep hierarchy vs single level as in your ES efforts will affect serialization. It would be kind of lame to have to traverse a deep component nesting hierarchy checking if each component has something to serialize each time. While I haven’t implemented the solution yet the “ACMC” AbstractComponentManagerControl feature (yeah can’t describe it again here for “brevity”! ;P Err basically it’s a special system that extends component managers that potentially executes for add/remove/set/unset operations) which I describe in the goliath ES thread is going to provide a good solution to be able when a component is added to an entity / component manager to determine if it is a serializable component thereby despite any nesting only the components that are known to be serializable are traversed.
Yes indeed.. The iteration method is significantly slower, but applied for the right reasons is more than fine. One can always create the OOP derived or heavyweight system component. The “system of systems” method offers extreme dynamism in exchange for a little performance.
I did run a micro-benchmark test and of course things are 25 times slower with the vanilla iteration loop compared to direct super class invocation on the desktop, but only 10 times slower on Android / G2X. I simply made an OOP structure of 5 deep with an “add” method invoked down the chain and iteration over 5 “AddSystem” components. As you probably can guess the method invocation costs are the primary culprit with the iteration angle, the map lookups aren’t horrible for the getAsIterator call. Though I tried to warm up the micro-benchmark it’s not clear if any JIT compilation kicks in, etc.
On the desktop a single instance of iteration over 5 systems vs OOP invocation (in seconds):
Iteration: 0.0000000675
OOP invocation: 0.00000000267
On Android / G2X:
Iteration: 0.0035
OOP invocation: 0.00036
Of course the cost on the desktop is negligible. On Android perhaps one must take this into consideration depending on the game. Consider Shadowgun and how few entities are actually on the screen at once. Depending on the game perhaps just the player controlled character has a dynamic collision system or if performance needs to be tuned develop the game with an iterated collision system then create an OOP based or fully integrated implementation for that particular system.
Now there are of course ways to tune anything including the iteration loop. Internally if fast addition / removal is not a goal a component manager can use ArrayLists instead of a linked list for stored collections. Loops can be unrolled. If iteration is to repeat several times consecutively the iterators in my collection API can be reset vs getting a new one when the end is reached. A rough break down is that half the time is due to the getAsIterator() call and the other half is consumed by the iterator next() and hasNext() calls. Since I have a custom collections API I’m considering adding a special next() method that returns null when the collection is at the end. IE a null check would have to be in the loop and associated break as necessary. This last change alone drops 1/4 of the time.
A huge performance win which of course makes this direction even possible is that iterators are recycled with my collections API. There is absolutely no way this would be performance oriented at all if one was creating / destroying iterators all the time.
Now whoa 10 times slower.. Well, it’s a trade off with dynamism and it may not be the best route every time. I am just experimenting with the collision system switch to iteration.
This certainly illuminates the data oriented design concerns with the trade offs of dynamism vs more static systems. One must also consider that for general particle systems are constructed in a more data oriented manner vs single entity per particle and certainly no collision detection for particles.
In the end fill rate / overdraw is always the main enemy for frame rate performance especially w/ mobile. Games w/ medium to high entity count should favor static systems. A game even as flashy as Shadowgun though would not be hurt so much per se by the dynamic approach considering a significantly lower entity count visible on screen.
eh heh.. and don’t do simple math at 5am, m’kay…
On Android / G2X:
Iteration: 0.0035
OOP invocation: 0.00036
is really
On Android / G2X:
Iteration: 0.0000035
OOP invocation: 0.00000036
;P That’s a bit better.
Hello there. I’m a hobbyist using your articles to implement my own entity system in java. I had a question about components tho, maybe you could clear this up for me?
I know components can only hold data e.g. “int”, “String”, … and cannot contain methods. However sometimes it seems to be logical for a component to hold a class object.
I have a very concrete example. My collision detection class has static methods for calculating if polygons and circles overlap. Therefor I have 3 important classes: Polygon, Circle, Vector. Those classes hold a bit of data [ Vector.x and Vector.y for example ] and a few simple methods to do math [ Vector.add(Vector v) ]. They clearly do not contain game logic.
It seems logical to create a “Physical” component with field “shape” which holds e.g. a Polygon object.
The other way to do this I see right now is to give a “PhysicalPoly” component a list of x values and a list of y values and a center and when I run the CollisionSystem create new Polygon objects based on the data in the PhysicalPoly components I need to check and destroy them in the end. However this seems quite intensive to do each game tick.
What am I overlooking here?
On a side note: I named my (sub)systems differently by the name of “Process”. Every process has one public method “”. The way I understand your concept of an ES that seemed like a better naming to me. E.g. I have a component “Position” and a process “Move”. So I call on every Position component I want to move.
Another thing I did is create simple groups of entities. Instead of letting my Move process on all entities with a specific component (like a ‘Move’ component) I would let it process all entities who subscribed to the “Movable” group. So on entity creation I would add all components I want it to have and register the entity to all groups I want it to be processed in.
Here is an example of entity creation (I thought you might be interested):
// Create player
Integer player = em.createEntity();
// Add player to groups
em.addEntityToGroup(player, “PLAYER”); // Add player to group
em.addEntityToGroup(player, “MOVABLE”); // Add player to group
em.addEntityToGroup(player, “ACCEL”); // Add player to group
em.addEntityToGroup(player, “RENDERABLE”); // Add player to group
// Add components to player
Position pos = new Position(0, 0); // Create component
em.addComponent(player, pos); // Add component
Velocity vel = new Velocity();
em.addComponent(player, vel);
Accel acc = new Accel(30);
em.addComponent(player, acc);
Rendering ren = new Rendering(0);
em.addComponent(player, ren);
re: Shape – sounds to me like you should have a PolygonCollidable component, a CircleCollidable component, etc. Why on earth would you have a “Shape”? I’ve done it this way in a few games – then I can swap in/out new CD algorithms, e.g. algorithms that don’t support circles, or only support 2D collision not 3D collision – and everything works fine because the algorithms only access the data that they understand.
Obviously, if there are entities that the algo doesnt understand, they dont participate in CD – but that’s much better than any alternatives.
re: vector – If you’re going to create new basic datatypes – e.g. Vector – then your choices depend on language. The purest approach is to make the new type IDENTICAL TO a fixed-size array of basic datatypes (i.e. a struct in C), and (if your language supports it) read/write to/from the raw basic datatypes – even if you use a flyweight / facade on the front to make it “look like” a basic datatype (in the form of an object). Creating new methods for the new type – that live outside the ES and outside your code – is OK. But a lot of people find it difficult to stop at that point; a lot of people are then tempted to add methods to their components themselves.
In general, though, I advise against adding new datatypes until you’re 100% sure and comfortable with the ES. It’s so easy to screw up at that point.
re: “process” – yes, “System” is too generic a name really, I’m open to better names, but they’re all too generic. e.g. Process is already defined to mean “a kind of thread” or “an application” in many programming languages :(.
The problem with creating a PolygonCollidable component, for example, is that I can’t add methods to it. My collision code uses a polygon object with the method “projectAxis(Vector2d axis)”.
I’d like to seperate my collision code from the entity system. My “CollisionSystem” (or process in my implementation) should take data from the entity system, give it to a separate physics / collision engine, pull out results and create CollisionReaction components accordingly or update the data within the entity system.
What I want to avoid is to implement a set of collision algorithms that are dependent on a specific entity system component. How can I achieve this encapsulation of collision code so it doesn’t have to know the entity system or what components are?
“How can I achieve this encapsulation of collision code so it doesn’t have to know the entity system or what components are?”
You can’t.
You shouldn’t.
“The problem with creating a PolygonCollidable component, for example, is that I can’t add methods to it. My collision code uses a polygon object with the method “projectAxis(Vector2d axis)”.”
Methods live inside your System, not on your Compononents. Put the method inside your CD system – which is where it should be! It has nothing to do with anything except collision!
If you’re desperate to keep it in separate methods-per-type, use Function Overloading, and have multiple static methods / instance methods on your System (or on a helper class for your system – which is probably the cleanest way to do it)
Regarding category names. I do prefer data & system components. Everything is ultimately a component at least in my efforts, so I think it’s confusing to make a distinction of “components” as data and “systems” as logic. I definitely prefer data component or system component. in my efforts there are also other component types.
Regarding methods in data components. From my perspective this is certainly fine especially if the setter methods do some sort of error or bound correction as any externalization of this is kind of silly. Also the use of interfaces for components even data components one must have getter / setter accessors.
@JS – “cannot contain methods. However sometimes it seems to be logical for a component to hold a class object”
Explicit composition / has a relationships are fine IMHO. In my efforts Since any component can also be a component manager it’s possible to create a data component that supports implicit composition so one can dynamically aggregate and access additional child components. In my efforts generally where speed or data oriented concerns aren’t in play the implicit composition form is preferred. In particular if one is combining a 3rd party OOP framework it’s necessary to embed. One has to be careful though in this approach of embedding OOP frameworks in a component framework when it comes to recycling components especially if the contained OOP objects are only initialized via constructors.
An example of folks running into this type of problem are Gemserk folks who are customizing Artemis combined with libgdx which is an OOP framework. Recycling components becomes a problem when your core framework integration is OOP. Nice blog to follow on folks using entity systems:
In my efforts I provide essential parity in features compared to libgdx, but all APIs are component oriented thus recycling custom components that integrate graphics API components don’t get gunked up with deeply embedding an OOP framework. Might I say though that it’s taken me significantly longer to get my efforts publicly available due to the additional up front architecture complexity.
Thank you both for your advice, it’s been very helpful to me.
I have one more question about systems and components. Currently I’m working with animations and how to handle them. I created an animation component to work with a rendering component. A generic “Animate” system simply updates the frame count in the animation component and passes rendering information to the rendering component (more specific: which rectangle on the sheet to draw).
However my question is about how to handle transitions between animations / animation states. Where would you put that logic? In one system that checks animation states and events to change a state, or diffuse over all systems? How should the states be saved? As a string in the a special component? Or as different components?
Undoubtedly my lack of experience puts me in a position where I’m not sure how to handle this while making sure to respect the Entity System Philosophy.
I noticed some one asked a similar question on one of your previous articles in the series, Adam. Oh, I just can’t seem to find it at the moment. On gamedev.stackexchange there was a similar question though. I wondered what you’d think about the answer, especially when you told us not to trust advice from that site :). system-animation-states
You also mentioned in part 2: “The Animation system constantly looks out for anything that would trigger a new animation, or cause an existing animation to change (e.g. player changes direction mid-step), and updates the data of each affected Entity (of course, only those that actually have the Animatable Component, i.e. are animations).”
Could you help me out here and elaborate a bit on how that would work exactly? How does it “look out” for those triggers? A bunch of if-statements where we check keyboard input (while running, for example)? Where would a current animation state be stored? How would the absence / presence of a component play a role here?
Anyway, thanks for the advice you guys gave me and hopefully you’ll find the time to help me out again. It’s a learning process and I hope I’m not bothering you with boring details, I’m just trying to fit the pieces together.
>Undoubtedly my lack of experience puts me in a position where I’m not sure how to handle this while making sure to respect the Entity System Philosophy.
Don’t sweat it too much. Things are still seemingly in the early adoption phase, so there isn’t any one codified approach so to speak yet. There are small to large differences between most ES implementations.
>How should the states be saved? As a string in the a special component? Or as different components?
If you are using Java I am a huge fan of extensible enums. Josh Bloch’s book Effective Java item 34 is a good place to start ( You’ll notice though that even in Bloch’s description of extensible enums he stops short and mentions that they are not usable with an EnumSet (item 32) which is a fast implementation of a Set for enums.
To overcome this I’ve made an extensible EnumSet (ExtEnumSet) that allows one or more extensible enums to be packed into a bit set. One of the only things in my ES efforts that defines an Entity vs just a standard component manager is that the Entity is guaranteed to have at least one ExtEnumSet to store state. An entity if necessary can have more than one, but due to the extensible nature of the set usually one is just fine. The really cool thing is that you can correlate combinations of state between unrelated extensible enums or even just retrieve the combinations of state stored for one extensible enum.
>Where would a current animation state be stored? How would the absence / presence of a component play a role here?
Buried in the “goliath ES post” I even discuss how it’s possible to create an extensible enum component that conforms to the general ES mechanism.
I much prefer extensible enums in my work as they provide a strongly typed way to store unrelated state and this definitely cuts out mistakes with a collection of Strings or the plain old bit fields.
An animation system can then retrieve one or more enum sets from ExtEnumSet to determine currents state and say which sprite sheet to draw. Quite conceivably if there are parallel animations on the same entity 2 or more animation systems could run in parallel each frame.
If there is complex transition state that can’t be represented by on / off or a combination of state I suppose one could even create an “in between” extensible enum that stores a third state for a more complex action. This transition enum would be time varying somehow where a system would control it’s state and not the user directly.. IE user presses a button state 1 is on; user lets go button and state one is off and then a system detects this and sets the in between state; x seconds later the system turns off the in between state.
The nice thing about the ExtEnumSet is that it provides one data component that can generically store any number of different state enums. IE you don’t have to make a custom component for each different type of state you want to store as it all can be packed into one ExtEnumSet. Various animation systems also just need to access the single ExtEnumSet. This also allows state to be programmatically set or say input oriented systems to directly store state in this ExtEnumSet and the animation systems don’t have to know anything about the various input systems.
Unfortunately there is not a whole lot of folks out there who have written on using extensible enums or creating an extensible EnumSet. As far as I know with some Googling I haven’t found anyone else mention the above. It’s been a huge boon in my efforts thought it’s also not easy to create this additional EnumSet variation and I can see why work stopped at EnumSet in regard to the Java SDK and the general case. Definitely more error prone for a custom collection and my implementation is only 75% complete today, but brings great functionality already.
I swear by extensible enums really… They are also a key way to share state between wholly distinct modules (usually an IDE project) greatly aiding reduction of dependencies for state between modules.
I don’t see the difficulty here, can you say what the specific problem is?
If you’ve got something that plays an animation, then you already have some notion of gradually moving through an anim.
To add transitions, all you have to do is duplicate those items in your animation component, and prefix them something like “transitionTo…”, and add a 3rd framecounter, which is the “percentageOfTransitionCompleted”
On each frame, if you detect there’s a transition in progress, you take the frame in the old anim, and the frame in the new anim, and then you use the percentageOfTransition.. to morph between them (and update the percentageOfTransition… counter too).
Depending on how your anims work, you MIGHT need to keep updating the framecounters for the two anims too – e.g. if someone is “running’, and then hits “jump”, then you probably want to keep the legs moving in the source anim while you transition it to the other anim. (this works fine in 3D, where you can tween the individual bones of the legs. If you’re using 2D sprites with no bone info … it probably looks very strange / wrong)
@Mike Leahy That’s really in-depth information. I did read your previous comments however it’s not always easy to follow the comments so I didn’t think it was very relevant to me. I’m definitely going to follow your recommendation and see if ExtEnums are anything for me.
@Adam: I apologize, it seems I am really bad at asking questions :D. I think one of the things that confused me most was a “polling” system for animation changes. By transitions I meant when an animation goes from standing idle to walking_left for example. An other thing that I was confused about was the entity system as a state machine itself. I wondered how that would be applicable here. — However after searching and searching I think I’ve been able to find most answers myself. I explain it here ( ) if you’d be interested. Don’t feel obliged to check it out, though. It seems I am REALLY bad at asking questions ;).
@Both Thank you both again, I really appreciate your input. Mike do you have a blog or something alike?
Indeed.. I certainly came across a bit zealous on extensible enums. Though it certainly has been the solution for me in storing unrelated entity state and general enum / state sharing between code projects / modules reducing dependencies on concrete enum types between modules. Like Josh Bloch mentions in item 34 that extensible enums seem only useful for opcodes; it turns out that encoding unrelated entity state is a very similar problem. The benefit of a statically typed enum over strings and bit fields and being able to load and manipulate states via reflection and the various Class methods of Java are awesome. IE Class.getEnumConstants();
The benefit of ExtEnumSet is that you can pack it with entity state enums that are unrelated to each other, but maintain one location for storing all entity state instead of separate location / data components. All systems just need access to the single ExtEnumSet stored in the entity. Otherwise if you store state for each subsystem area specifically in it’s own component (say an animation data component) then every system that acts on those states also has to depend on all of the data components storing the various state. This can quickly void the benefit from a dependency angle of a component architecture for more complex games. There is also no way to enumerate over all these states in mass with state stored in separate components.
Also check out the item 32 & 33 of Effective Java and the EnumSet / EnumMap discussion. The phase change example can be extended / modified to encode and retrieve say animation transition states.
Now instead of polling with if conditional statements each frame consider storing additional helper systems (or just a callback interface / class type) in an EnumMap (or ExtEnumMap). IE an animation system component can store additional callbacks by transition state or perhaps just the normal entity states (run left, etc.) stored will also trigger callbacks when the EnumSet storing state is enumerated against the EnumMap storing the callbacks. I’m sure a little code example will make this clearer, but this seems like something to explore to complete an agnostic mechanism that can be loaded up in a data driven manner avoiding hard coded if conditional polling. This is at least how I will first approach a generic animation system. This basic mechanism should work for both 2D sprite sheets and bones or other 3D animation systems.
Granted if your game is simple and everything is known in advance and you don’t mind hard coding the if / conditional / polling then that certainly will be the quickest. In my efforts I’m building generic subsystems such as animation that are entirely data driven.
I don’t have an official blog yet, but will be launching one officially for my efforts at the TyphonRT link. I do post tech pontifications on G+ –
In an attempt to better understand the whole concept behind ES I’m gutting an old game I made for a school project and completely re-engineering it to use ES. My hope is that I’ll have a before-and-after that I can post to github or something similar. I’ve settled on using the Artemis C# conversion.
I’ve run into an issue I can’t see a simple solution to. The game is a platformer along the same lines as JetPack. I have PlayerControlSystem that handles polling the input devices and reacting by modifying velocity (which is then picked up in another system to actually move the player – I wanted to keep everything together).
When the player attempts to jump I need to determine if they are standing on ‘the ground’. In the existing game logic this is done using ugly, oddly specific code (we were in the final 72 hours of the project – code readability tends to go out the window at about that point :). I’ll also need to deal with ‘gravity’ for some entities (including the player), which causes them to fall when they are NOT standing on the ground. What would be the best way to do this in an entity system?
I considered adding some additional information to the Collides Component to store what entities it collided with this frame, but that just seems like the wrong way to do it. I could also have the CollisionSystem itself check for contact with the ground and react accordingly, but this would lead to bundling a lot of logic handling reactions between colliding components (damage, power ups, health packs, falling, etc) into that system. Again, this seems wrong.
@Mythgarr – generally a better idea to ask such things on the main Entity Systems 5-part post series. That way you’ll get a LOT more people reading / replying.
Re: gravity, I’d be inclined to apply a gravity vector every tick, and allow your Collision system to decide whether to act on it. That way, you have a more general solution. Only reason I’d do it differently is if you had too many things doing CD, and you had a performance problem there.
I don’t really understand how you would have a CD system that does *not* have logic for handling all the different types of collision?
I was working with your updated entity system posted on github. When I create a bunch of entities and add components to them. Now the system works great until I need to update my loop.
Collection p;
Iterator pIt;
Position pos;
Each update loop I have a few functions that call :
p = entitymanager.getallcomponentsoftype(Position.class);
pIt = p.iterator();
pos =;
//do a few calculations with pos;
On Android with Java, the GC is going insane, running about once ever 3 seconds. for anywhere from 80-150 ms
looking at the ddms allocation tracker, the problem comes from
HashMap iterator. Every loop that’s getting called quite a few times.
I hope that you can help me solve this memory issue, I’m not sure how to get past this road block.
That example code is in NO WAY optiimised.
As a short-term improvement, you could keep a reference to “p” and pass it around secretly between the systems – works until/unless one of them removes Position from an entity (just make sure that one goes last in your game loop tick).
Longer term … re-implement the methods that currently use extensive Hashmaps to use more efficient data storage – lots of options here depending on how much effort you want to put in. I’d probably start with something simple using a custom data-structure made out of raw arrays, with manual resizing whenever the arrays get “too big”. OR go all the way – e.g. highest performance in Java for this stuff usually comes from stuffing things into massive ByteBuffers and manually tracking where the data begins and ends.
Thanks for the fast response. I understand now that that system isn’t optimized but even with the constant gc because of iterators, it still process 1 million objects with massive amounts of data and the only real bottle neck is that iterator issue so I see solving this will be the base for a solid system.
You say go all the way and I definitely would prefer to go all the way and start working with byte buffers. I guess it’s time for me to research byte buffers. I have no real experience with C++ as I just started coding but if you you can point me in the right direction as to where to start researching I have no issues learning from the ground up.
I already to a little byte buffer work with opengl es on android since I never learned 1.0 stuff so I hoped in at 2.0 but that’s neither here nor there. Can you give me a reference as to what direction to start looking at for byte buffers.
If you’re not comfortable with manual mem management and buffers, then I suggest going a standard java route – think about your data structure, make someting that fits the problem better.
Otherwise google bytebuffers and structs and memory management
Yeah… ES discussion.. ;P
blubee actually dropped me a note via email w/ the query…. and this is essentially how I tackled the problem in my efforts.
My first solution dates back to ’05 on the desktop regarding caching iterators with a custom collections API implementation which just extended the default Java collections implementation w/ iterator caching. One had to be careful when creating collections to specify how many iterators were necessary to cache otherwise some “stealing” would occur in say nested for loops… Often though only 1 iterator is necessary to cache if the code in question is single threaded or sequentially oriented.
Now in my expanded efforts I have a component recycler and in my new custom collections API implementation all collections are data components and iterators are system components and thus can be recycled. I modified the “hasNext()” method and added a hasNext(boolean) method that if it is true will auto-recycle the iterator at the end of the collection thus with conditional looping default behavior will recycle the iterator in the scope of the loop. A neat aspect to this considering type erasure is that an iterator is generic irregardless of a any particular typed collection thus any iterator can be reused for any typed collection therefore there are only as many iterators created for a particular collection to the total amount of iterators used at any one time during the program execution.
I used to loathe type erasure, but now embrace it thoroughly… :)
So w/ some modifications that still conform to the Java collections API / interfaces it’s possible to create a system where iterators do not cause a GC overhead.
I looked into bytebuffers, they are easier than I though but at the same time bring in some complexities that I’m not up to tackling right now so i’ll take a step back and try to use built in java types to create some custom system of storage work on making that fast. I am really shying away from trying to remake the wheel just for simplicity sake and avoiding bugs that I may introduce.
Is that something that you can share? I was thinking of trying to mess with the collection API but I really don’t want to go that route, instead what I was thinking was to use two lists, one is a list of components and another is a list of entity id’s. Use the list of entity id as the rows of a table and the list of components as the columns to a table, that way I can pull out lists of components but Im not sure how well that would work, I’m still using a notepad to sketch that out right now.
@bluebee perhaps fork the java “ES Beta” project on github and try modifying it – would be interesting to see where it goes
As things go I’m keeping things private for the most part until I can get the whole beast launched. I’ve actually been working on my efforts for over 9 years and it will definitely be 10 or 11 by the time things fully launch. I aim to make this a business / actual for pay platform, but with a healthy core bit open source like the JDK itself (including the component architecture & collections API). Unfortunately, I’m burdened with a day job presently and am toiling away on the weekends and nights. I’m about 4-6 months off of finishing the total framework if I could work full time on it. Pretty frustrating honestly to see the end of the tunnel, but be forced to crawl there. I’ve been working in waves full time between contracts for a while, but finally my luck ran out in big corp contract negotiation and the day job is here at least for a little while… doh… So long story short I wished I could get it out there sooner, but it is what it is…
I still recommend considering playing around with a cached iterator solution. It’s not as hard as you may think. Your question directly involves trouble with iterators of collections, so that is the pain point to work on… You only really need ArrayList / HashMap implementations at first for most cases. Start with the latest Android source code (re Apache Harmony) for ArrayList then HashMap and make just a few mods. Just add an array of iterators that is initialized when the collection is created. Make a new constructor which can specify the amount of iterators to cache. Make the current constructors default to 1. You also need to modify the iterators so that they can be “reset” after usage. This simply requires re-initializing them with the defaults that are already in the constructor via an additional reset method. Also consider passing back the iterator reference as the signature of the reset method (you’ll see why below). Further consider making a new interface that extends from Iterator, so that the reset method is exposed. Let’s call it IResetIterator, but name it whatever makes sense.
Perhaps leave the current iterator() method of the collections alone except for potentially providing a covariant return with the new iterator interface:
public IResetIterator iterator() {…} // etc
Add an iterator(boolean) method such that if it is true will pull from the cached iterators… This new iterator method looks something like this:
public IResetIterator iterator(boolean recycled)
if (recycled)
return iteratorCache[iterCntr++ % iterCacheSize].reset()
return new ResetArrayListIterator() // etc..
iterCntr simply provides the modulo calculation to find the index and iterCacheSize is well the size of the cache.
The above is not too much effort, but is a verifiable solution to your problem. It’s the “cheap car / Yugo” solution without frills and comes with the caveat of having to make sure you specify the correct number of iterators to cache for non-sequential access (nested for loops pulling from the same collection, etc.) otherwise you’ll be stealing iterators already in use.
This problem is a well known performance problem of Java collections and I was using the “Yugo” implementation from ’05 to this year when I replaced the solution with a “Ferrari” in my efforts, so it definitely works quite well.
Well, as to Adam’s mention of ByteBuffers I’m afraid they are not so useful. It would be one thing if one could make a byte array or ByteBuffer to an Object in a C / C++ struct like manner, but you can’t efficiently at the core language level at least in Java. If one was going to try and pack data into a byte array for data access and dealing with the serialization aspects a plain old byte array or even long array is better than a ByteBuffer due method invocation overhead especially on Android. For the most part things should be cleaned up with Android, but early on there were many slow downs with ByteBuffers on Android due to the non-performance implementation provided by Apache Harmony.
Sans byte array mapping like C/C++ I’m afraid we must still deal with concrete objects in Java as our component / data storage and the Collections API. This is OK though because just splitting data from system components is a big step forward IMHO. I also believe that having bare data classes / components that just define data fields provide a very long lived data declaration format that can be easily tracked over time / versions. It can also be programmatically introspected regarding reflection and all that jazz.
I tried to use what you setup on github but i think using hashmaps are just too slow on java, but there’s good news. I have something setup, its working based on arrays.
I really don’t want to get that deep messing with the built in classes. I believe the java engineers are more proficient at designing data structures. I don’t like messing with that stuff. With that being said, I just finished a implementation. It’s looking pretty good so far. I’ll see how i feel about it after 3 more days.
here’s a shot from ddms may or may not be of interest to anyone
“With that being said, I just finished a implementation. It’s looking pretty good so far. I’ll see how i feel about it after 3 more days.”
Cool… Let us know how it goes.. :) Once you get rid of GC churn the entity system / component oriented approach is pretty neat.
“I really don’t want to get that deep messing with the built in classes. I believe the java engineers are more proficient at designing data structures.”
They are not game developers for the most part and more often than not I don’t think performance for Java through its development has been thought about from the client side of things as opposed to the server side at least in general.
At some point you should get used to poking around in the Oracle JDK source code. At the same time it’s even more important to poke around in the Android SDK source code because it is based on Apache Harmony which is not all written by knowledgable engineers especially when it comes to performance and GC churn.
As things go there are a lot of legacy matters to consider with Java and performance. The Collections API implementation absolutely needs attention for near real time use and this has been the case on the desktop all along and most definitely on Android as Google is more interested in adding new features than fixing core performance problems or at least they only haphazardly assign engineers to look at things after enough outcry and even then don’t always fully address the problem (usually regarding Apache Harmony matters). It’s gotten better release over release, but this kind of peck and chose situation is what makes Android a bitch considering “real fragmentation”.
Other legacy ways of doing things like say serialization by the Serializable interface are not best practices and have been around for ages (’97 in the case of Serializable). Even a well known Java engineer, Josh Bloch who created the Collections API, says stuff like default serialization on Java is morally bankrupt.
An interesting article interviewing Bloch…
“In truth, you always do a bit of both. Programming is an iterative process. You try to do the best you can up front, but you don’t really know whether you have the API right until you use it. Nobody gets it right the first time, even if they have years of experience. Doug Lea [author of Concurrent Programming in Java] and I chat about this issue from time to time. We write stuff together, and, when we try to use it, things don’t always work. In retrospect, we make obvious API design mistakes.”
Everyone is potentially fallible when API design proceeds complete usage analysis.
A good video:
Despite a lengthy process I have no regrets in not releasing my core API work early (as per conventional wisdom) until I am absolutely sure advanced entity system / component usage is 100% together from a performance and ease of use angle. This takes a bit longer as I’m working through extensive middleware creation spanning Oracle JDK & Android SDK on top of the core component architecture / entity system API all the way through full high performance game examples.
There are still major Java 5 language features like annotations that are highly impaired on Android due to Google’s inattention to fixing piss poor implementations in Apache Harmony / Android SDK. It helps to examine the source then understand how it can be worked around.
Just the other day I got my tail handed to me when I tuned a particular new change in my component architecture based on my knowledge of the Oracle JDK and the Android SDK happened to be nonconformant. This is the case of enum hash codes ( whereby in the Oracle JDK nothing is done and the identity hash code is returned, but in Android due to Apache Harmony silliness the hash code of the name of the enum is return breaking the contract. I tried stuffing Class (.class) and enums into one data structure expecting things to be safe due to both supposedly having identity based hash codes and got clashes on Android that didn’t occur on the Oracle JDK, etc. I knew exactly where to look and luckily proceeded to confirming suspicions in on both platforms and then had to switch to my version of IdentityHashMap. (An aside IdentityHashMap is horribly implemented in Apache Harmony / Android; lots of internal GC churn).
In short.. ;P It’s extremely helpful to look under the hood and while one is working solo or in a controlled state before wide release (considering APIs) adopting a fearless programming approach leads to great things; nothing is safe or off the table including Oracle JDK and / or Android SDK code.
I did write perhaps a too verbose response w/ some links and Adam may or may not get around to getting it through moderation.. Maybe it will appear above this post at some point..
I’d be curious to hear about how your collections mods hold up.. It is the way forward for sure. I wouldn’t be too concerned about modifying standard API implementations as long as one conforms to the interfaces which is what is important. As things go when the Collections API received it’s initial implementation game dev, entity systems, near real time component architectures dependent on aggregation and constant iteration were not part of the use cases considered. So much so that it is necessary to rewrite or extend core JDK / Android SDK functionality. Even more so with Android because the Apache Harmony implementation while for the most part works those involved did not consider performance penalties in many areas and Google hasn’t exactly been proactive in fixing them or seemingly are interested in doing so…
So it’s good to get down into the Oracle JDK / Android SDK source and find the root causes of unnecessary GC churn and rewrite things accordingly. It’s in fact necessary to do so to achieve an high performance component oriented entity system.
Check it out, I really wanna get your feedback :
Have you guys had a chance to look at the demo project I put up at github?
With this current setup, I can push my phone to render 600 alpha blended sprites but only 8 fps on my HTC HD2 but on a few other more modern phones they render a lot better. This is without culling, without sprite batching just brute force sending each sprite to the GPU one at a time.
I’m looking forward to hearing some feedback from you guys.
I read the blogpost, but it had no details. All I could tell was you said you were using HashMaps, but that’s what the original code was using too, so it sounded like nothing had changed.
Sorry for the long delay, I was totally preoccupied getting some things done.
The reason I used a hashmap was for concurrency but it’s a simple concurrent hashmap that allows up to 32 different components to be pulled at once. based on the java concurrent hashmap docs.
My hashmap was very shallow, a component class was the key and a list of components were the values.
so I could do:
list = (List) map.get(SpriteComponent.class);
if(list = null)
list = new ArrayList();
map.put(SpriteComponent.class, list);
With that setup i can then do things like manager.getall(SpriteComponent.class)
if the list is null it returns a new list else it returns a list of all the components then I can render them all in line.
The problem that I initially ran into was doing multithreaded game loop.
I used the “fix your timestep” article to implement a determinant game loop and then I had the gl thread rendering but on android this ate my batteries up.
After a little rework, I was able to just collapse it down to updating in the gl thread which didn’t affect my performance too much. 2 or more threads on mobile are too much especially updating at 60fps
with the current setup things are quite fast and work without any errors. I have a github sample project (teamblubee) but i haven’t updated it to the new version yet.
Also with the way the hashmaps are setup there are no runtime garbage since i preallocate most things although if you have bullets or something like that you probably would get some garbage but that can easily be fixed by implementing object pools.
I had a quick question about how you do things in terms of systems communicating with eachother, or handling inter-entity relationships? For example collision detection, where you need to check entities with each other (though in this case you can use the same system’s entity list to iterate through), or a bit tougher, a shooting system.
At first I thought I could use the same list, but not all entities carry guns but might still be hit by a bullet…so I somehow need to have a clean way of making the system’s interact. Is it as simple as just passing a reference of the bullet system to the gun system, and the gun system pushes bullet objects directly to the bullet system?
My whole mind boggle is probably over the question of are bullets entities? They could be, in the case of grenades, but I still just don’t know how to handle a grenade blast with surrounding entities that could be walls or other moving entities etc. etc.
I hope you have the time to shoot back a reply! I’m new to ES’s, and reading your blog has brought many insights! :)
This has come up before, many times.
Read the previous comments on the five+ posts
Good luck piecing together all of the responses on the blog posts.. ;P Here are my thoughts with perhaps some new ones based on my efforts this year.
@P Svilans
>how you do things in terms of systems communicating with eachother, or handling inter-entity relationships?
Depends on context. I switched to an event bus mechanism vs the old OOP entrenched listener / observable pattern which was the last highly OOP thing to go from my conversion to ES / COP (component oriented programming). In my efforts the event bus is a system component and there can be various ones scoped at say the application level, but since it is a system component consider an event bus for a particular section of a level.
One cool thing with my event bus system is that the source of an event needs to be a component, but it can also be an extensible enum component, so one can create extensible enums for the section IDs and entities can listen to all or specific events from a particular section ID. The movement system is responsible for changing entities section ID and potentially registering with the section event bus. Entities don’t necessarily register between themselves though it is quite possible since an event bus is a system therefore an entity can be given an event bus system too, but the idea is to have a separate event bus system per logical boundary / section of the game world.
Collision detection can be a little context dependent. If there are event buses for sections of a level the collision detection system can post to them. In other cases sometimes you directly access entities. I break up collision response / resolution into a separate runtime logic system that way it can be handled as appropriate for the game at hand.
>My whole mind boggle is probably over the question of are bullets entities?
Bullets are entities…
>how to handle a grenade blast with surrounding entities that could be walls or other moving entities
As always there are many solutions. An ES oriented one may be something like firing an event on the section event bus whose source is an area effect extensible enum w/ the grenade data components. Events happen to be component managers in my efforts, so they can take adhoc component additions. Entities are also “system” components in my efforts, one could just as easily attach and entity in whole making it actionable by any receiver. There could be an area effect system that listens on the event bus for area effect events that would then deal out the damage upon a further query (radius, etc.) of all entities in a particular section. Depending on the game consider a section like something as simple as a room or it could be a certain level of an octree, etc.
Thanks for the response! :)
It definitely did clear up things for me, and sorry, I had not glanced back on the previous comments in my hurry :/
For events, does an EventComponent let’s say on an entity dispatch an event (flags itself), and that then gets picked up by an EventSystem? Or are the events dispatched between Systems ( 2 systems have access to an EventSystem that holds and queues all events).
I’ll reread what you wrote several times, but when you say “Events happen to be Component Managers, so they can take adhoc component additions”, could you explain that a bit more?
When it comes to ES’s, I’m just a little kid still who doesn’t stop asking “why” a lot :)
@P Svivans
>”I’ll reread what you wrote several times, but when you say “Events happen to be Component Managers, so they can take adhoc component additions”, could you explain that a bit more?”
This is the somewhat tricky thing when it comes to discussing ES on Adam’s blog as his reference implementation is different from my ES implementation. I generalized the component oriented API such that it can be used for an ES proper or in any other context. A big difference too is that I store the components directly in the container / entity vs a global storage location.
An event in my system simply extends “ComponentManager” and therefore it can accept components. Say the collision system could attach a data component that stores info on the collision variables (normal, force, etc.) The event itself is generic and not a specific “CollisionEvent” instance / object.
>”For events, does an EventComponent let’s say on an entity dispatch an event (flags itself), and that then gets picked up by an EventSystem? Or are the events dispatched between Systems ( 2 systems have access to an EventSystem that holds and queues all events).”
Your latter comment that systems (IE the logic / control flow) fire events is correct. This could be the collision / resolution system or any other system component.
In my efforts I also have a generic RuntimeSystem that is extended and can get called every frame. My entity manager also has a RuntimeSystem that coordinates movement / collision / any AI per frame in addition to triggering any RuntimeSystem components stored in entities per frame. These various systems just need to have access to a global EventSystem or whatever context specific EventSystem is current (say one for an area of a game level). The nice thing about the event bus mechanism is that all public / subscribe activities flow through one system vs a patchwork of listener callbacks (the traditional OOP way).
The event bus mechanism isn’t specifically a component oriented solution. I’ve adapted it for such use though. The use of extensible enums as a possibility for sources of events is great because there is no concrete per source instance. In my ES efforts each entity has an extensible enum component stored that acts like a type marker. You could have a system that can fire events based on this type and any subscribers to the event bus can register to receive all events from that entity type. There is no direct connection between an interested system and specific entity instances.
Compared to the Google Guava event bus mechanism there are many more levels of distribution available in my efforts. The Guava event bus simply sends all events dispatched to all subscribers to that particular event bus. My implementation allows scope, source, and type data to direct the dispatch of events to various lists of subscribers from one event bus.
This is also a Java specific implementation. The event bus direction seems like the next best step to take over the traditional listener implementation, but in other languages there are other solutions to examine too.
@P Svilans
Although he posts here a lot, Mike’s definition of an Entity System doesn’t quite match Adam’s, so reading his writings may be confusing. He talks about many elements that aren’t found in the standard definition, and so, for example, to my entity system his entire last two messages are irrelevant.
Ah… What follows is just a minor kerfuffle of sorts over the words “standard”, “definition”, & “implementation” being combined..
‘”…”‘ == ironic quotes.. ;P
I am curious as always… ‘”standard definition”‘? Who made what standard again? There isn’t a standard _implementation_ for ES. At least w/ Java there are a handful of basic reference implementations without thorough use cases (a lot of code based on a given API). I’m lucky to have a 175k SLOC highly modular code base running on top of my efforts w/ a basic 3D FPS game example as a use case and this has definitely informed performance and scalability concerns through providing the depth to make reasonable changes to the ‘”standard definition”‘. In my case things went down more like a parallel evolution.
There are however shared characteristics.. At the highest level that is focusing on the implicit has-a relationship. If there is only one standard in defining what constitutes an ES or component oriented API it is the focus on the implicit has-a relationship. That bar none is the only standard definition IMHO. The details on how one goes about this are far from standard and are implementation concerns. I happened to expound on the implicit has-a relationship and created a generic runtime API that embodies this relationship as a superset of my ES implementation, _because that idea is good_ and worth being promoted; IE not based on who wrote which blog post first.
I did after all mention that there are implementation differences in my efforts that could cause a little confusion if one hasn’t followed all the posts; even then.. :) I post here to suss things out publicly and float new ideas. It’s not like there is a whole lot of chatter around on ES and there is a whole lot opposition in some circles that I used to haunt more which I find rather sad… (JGO /
Since this is a general discussion (for what it’s worth)… May I ask do you have any concerns with the event bus direction for passing events? It applies to ES just as well and I’m here to say it works extremely well and with some additional tweaks over Google Guava’s ‘”non-standard”‘ implementation is really powerful.
As things go certain questions like P Svilans lie too closely on the implementation details side of things… I provided my recent insights on the matter and what has worked for me.
I am interested to hear you share how you pass events in your ES efforts…
Instead I’ll offer up Darrin West’s blog Online Game Techniques as a source of discussion. He was one of the architects of the Entity System-based game middleware I worked on 2007-2009 and worked with 2009-2011, and articles like give his approaches to event propagation. I don’t agree with all his design decisions, but they had some commercial and technical success.
One of the problems I have reading your frequent lengthy comments here is your use of vocabulary – not just that you use different terms than our host. For example, when I search this comment stream, you seem to have introduced “event bus”, without really saying what you meant by it – it seems to me that you write as if the reader was as familiar with your nomenclature as you are, or has re-read this entire nine-month-long thread in order to parse your contribution to the discussion.
When I’ve run into an “event bus” in the past it’s been in very non-gaming applications, and not terribly well defined; I can’t comment on whether or not it’s a useful “direction” for passing events because to me it’s a vague handwave. The post of Darrin’s I linked above gave a fairly good description of how LightSpeed handled messaging, and it’d be useful to me to get a similar understanding of what you mean when you say event bus.
I’m guessing that the two are comparable. And, well, if you have to have events, it’s a good way to deliver them. It wasn’t too hard to teach junior programmers how to use them to get events, but it was a major problem teaching junior programmers what events should do – what kind of events are compatible with an entity system. My current experiments are taking ideas from the data-driven design community to reduce how much message passing I do between systems.
@Tom… Thanks for the link to Darren’s blog which I’ll be following as well.
While in the linked article Tom drops JMS and talks about distributed event systems a bit the event bus pattern (also known as the message bus or publish / subscribe pattern) is an in process / in JVM pattern for event distribution. It is also receiving adoption in the general Java community as being a superior publish / subscribe mechanism over the traditional OOP direct interface / listener approach where event tracking and distribution (storage + logic) is mixed in directly with heavyweight objects. Searching “event bus pattern” you’ll come across plenty of info.
The majority of my efforts and what is different w/ my event bus implementation is that I don’t use annotations or inheritance hierarchies of discrete events to direct and aid subsequent distribution. An example of an event inheritance based implementation is Google Guava’s event bus. I view it as moving in the right direction, but still w/ a foothold / entanglement in an inheritance bound implementation. Thus a majority of current event bus implementations are still bound by a more OOP related association. A big reason to avoid Java annotations in my implementation is the Android use case where unfortunately annotation support with all OS versions and to some extent reflection based inspection is extremely inefficient in a near real time context; a hold over from Apache Harmony as things go. This is why I break things out with explicit scope, category, source, and type parameters w/ any of these levels being able to be equally defined by extensible enums or discrete object / component instances; the former being the preferred route. Distribution can still be wild carded at each of those levels to deliver events to more than one concrete subscriber list.
The big boon to this approach is that distribution of events is separated from publishers and subscribers being mediated through one system component vs a patchwork of direct in process distribution. Also only system components should be publishers / subscribers. There are many benefits to this including being able to have one location where the connection of publishers / subscribers can be acted upon in bulk. I would also point out that an optimized event bus is much more data oriented vs the traditional OOP mechanism of combining event distribution in a concrete object along with other data / logic as a heavyweight abstraction.
In my efforts things are even more data oriented since event containers are generic and can be pulled from a global recycler system and once delivered are returned to the recycler system automatically therefore there are only as many generic event containers created as total synchronous events being delivered during runtime. This essentially connotes / describes a “high level data oriented design” pattern of which I respectively realize is not well used terminology yet either, but central to the architecture that I am finishing presently.
More or less distributed event / message bus systems like JMS have been around in the enterprise world for a bit, but uptake of the in process event bus pattern has been gaining ground for around 3-4 years, but the tipping point seemingly has been reached where it’s a fairly common pattern to drop in conversation like other tried a true design patterns.
>”One of the problems I have reading your frequent lengthy comments here is your use of vocabulary – not just that you use different terms than our host.”
Fair enough… :) This is why I’m posting here as to establish common vocabulary and test the terminology I am stringing together to describe my efforts. There isn’t too much common terminology yet for ES architectures. For that matter I think even using ESA to define explicitly the ES Architecture (IE the component oriented approach) is more handy over ES since entity systems can be built w/ other methodologies including failed ones like OOP for non-trivial / generic use cases. I suppose it doesn’t help that posts can’t be edited on this blog when little mistakes enter into posts like when I wrote “public / subscribe” above instead of “publish / subscribe”…
I’ll yap on about extensible enums and extensible enum components as being a panacea for opening up modular, data, & component oriented design patterns, but if you read the literature out there even Josh Bloch stops short of discussing expansions on the concept… See Effective Java item 34; not the whole content, but a link:
I’m still codifying and trying to come up with explicit terminology for new architecture approaches I’m adopting.
Another post Darren makes I like:
In particular this statement:
“Done well, the Entity System can be used for more than just visible game objects, but could support administrative and configuration objects as well.”
This hits the nail directly on the head when I describe my component architecture implementation as being a superset to my ESA implementation. The methodology is useful for everything architecture wide and not explicitly just an entity system. My initial component oriented API work started internally to my ES then it became obvious that it was a powerful technique to generalize architecture wide.
Some helpful links that point to other event bus implementations and discussion are the following: (older description)
The C++ event distribution direction to examine is signal / slots:
An open source framework to check out with an ESA component oriented entity system + signal / slot implementation is the Proton SDK:
A quick follow up… Here is an additional Java event bus implementation that looks promising:
The author posted a comparative examination:
I like a handful of features in Mbassador that I’ll have to add to my implementation like vetoing event delivery, reordering subscriber lists by priority, etc.
Other features like deferred / timed delivery and dynamic / expandable category filtering is where I want to take things w/ my efforts too.
I’m curious now to compare runtime performance w/ my implementation again MBassador. Extreme speed in registering / unregistering / delivery is what I’ve been focussing on…
I know this is an older topic, but I’ve only recently ventured into the entity systems domain. I’ve looked at the beta code for the Entity System RDBMS but the one concept I see missing is the RDBMS. The data of course is structured in a way that would easily fit into the RDBMS, but the Entity Manager is built specifically to only create new entities.
So I’m curious, with the code structured the way it is, where would the data persistence go? I have some ideas of options of how I could do it, but I’m curious what was the design decision when creating the Entity Manager like it is now, or others experiences with persisting databases and how they communicate with components. For example, put saving and loading code in component, in a db manager, in the entity manager, etc.
SQL client libraries are *extrmeely* well-documented on the web.
Using an entity system means you avoid the entire clusterf*ck that is an ORM / object-relational-model layer. Its trivially easy to interface with any RDBMS.
So, I figured other people have written better tutorials, guides, and books on that subject than i ever will, and left it to them :)
I keep seeing this entity system lauded as the latest, greatest thing. I’m pretty sure this has been around forever, except an entity was called a client, and the system was called a server. How exactly does this differ from the client/server model?
I see your snark, and I raise you: try reading the articles. Start at “1” and read through to “5”.
Client/server is entirely missing the point, and shows you didn’t read past even the first page. Or you’re extremely bad at programming, and should stop asking leading-questions on topics you don’t understand.
(if you get off your ass and bother to read the articles first, I’ll happily help you; if you come here with an overwhelming sense of self-entitlement: I really don’t care and have many things better to do with my time than help you)
Hi Adam,
Full Disclosure: I have no game programming experience, but lots of Business App Programming experience.
I am attempting to make a really simple game (Asteroids Clone) using an Entity System as the backbone. I have been reading your posts 1 -5 (over and over again) and checking out the other implementations on the wikidot site.
I suppose what I want to ask is how one would go about designing components, systems and how they relate to each other. Is there a design process you follow when thinking about them, certain questions you ask yourself about each aspect of the game? Im finding my lack of game dev experience has left me uncertain about how to structure the components and systems..
also one other question that will hopefully be much easier to answer. During my many attempts at designing component/system relationship, I had a system that was simply syncing data between certain (like two) components. Is the idea of a component sync system a bad idea?
Thanks for the time
Designing components is easy – the cost of getting it wrong is practically zero, so — Just Do It, and change as soon as you’re unhappy.
Personally, I make the component I “think” I want, and while I’m fleshing out the systems that use it, if I notice it has the wrong set of data, or is missing data, or the data is in a bad format … I refactor it immediately (with zero impact on code – by definition, the only thing affected is the code I’m currently writing anyway).
Systems are a little trickier – there is some cost to getting it “wrong”. However, a few times … I’ve written 3 copies of the same system (not even finished writing all three – tried three different code approaches in parallel, to see which one I find easiest to write). Again, because every system / component is 100% independent of the rest of the codebase, you can do this easily (AND … it has zero performance impact). So … again … be bold, don’t worry, suck it and see (and go back afterwards and delete whatever sucked).